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Reestructuring & Insolvency Law

Leading firm of dual-qualified Insolvency Practitioners specialising in insolvency law for both the UK and Spain located in London

  • Corporate Insolvency Services

  • Creditors Voluntary Liquidation (CVL)

  • Members Voluntary Liquidation (MVL)

  • Compulsory Liquidation (WUC)

  • Bankruptcy (BKT)

  • Reclaim money owed to you in Spain

  • International arbitration

Reestructuring & Insolvency Law

Leading firm of dual-qualified Insolvency Practitioners specialising in insolvency law for both the UK and Spain located in London

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    Strategies to help alleviate your financial problems

    Financial distress and corporate insolvency

    Legal and financial matters across different jurisdictions

    Deal with Financial Stress

    In today’s complex global landscape, businesses face numerous challenges, such as financial distress and corporate insolvency. As a leading firm of dual-qualified Insolvency Practitioners specialising in insolvency law for both the UK and Spain, located in London, we are uniquely positioned to provide comprehensive cross-border insolvency solutions. Our expertise extends to European insolvency law, making us well-equipped to navigate the complexities, especially in light of the implications of Brexit.


    Quabbala Lawyers

    Quabbala Limited is a multi-disciplinary full service Insolvency Practitioners and a International Law firm based in the City of London, with an exceptional client base and particular expertise in Insolvency situations (Administration, Members Voluntary Liquidation (MVL), Creditors Voluntary Liquidation (CVL), Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA).


    What is a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation

    If a company finds itself unable to meet its financial obligations, it may reach a point where it decides to undergo a process known as creditor’s voluntary liquidation (CVL). In this situation, the company acknowledges its insolvency and recognises its debt to creditors. However, rather than waiting for external pressures to force it into liquidation, the company proactively takes steps to initiate the process itself. By opting for a CVL, the company demonstrates its commitment to addressing its financial difficulties in a responsible and orderly manner.

    During a CVL, the company ceases its operations, and a licensed insolvency practitioner is appointed as the liquidator, ensuring that the company’s assets are properly liquidated and the proceeds are distributed among creditors in a fair and transparent manner.

    At our firm, with our expertise and experience in CVLs, we provide comprehensive support, ensuring that the liquidation is conducted in compliance with legal requirements every step of the way.


    Company Voluntary Arrangements

    A Company Voluntary Arrangement, or CVA, is a formal agreement between a financially distressed company and its creditors. Unlike traditional insolvency procedures, such as liquidation or administration, a CVA allows the company to continue trading while implementing a sustainable plan to repay its debts over a specified period.

    One of the key advantages of a CVA is that it allows the company to negotiate reduced debt repayments, extend repayment periods, or even write off a portion of the debt, providing much-needed breathing space to restore financial health. Additionally, it enables the company to retain control over its operations and decision-making, allowing management to implement the proposed restructuring plan without the intervention of an external administrator. This can help to rebuild confidence among stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, and customers, and contribute to a smoother transition towards financial recovery.

    However, it is essential to consider the potential disadvantages of a CVA as well. The company must meet the agreed-upon repayment obligations, which can place a strain on cash flow and require careful financial management. The success of a CVA depends on the cooperation and support of creditors, and if they do not agree to the proposed terms, the CVA may not be viable.

    We understand the nuances of CVAs and can guide you through the process effectively, assisting you in negotiating with creditors, formulating a realistic repayment plan, and ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.


    What is Bankruptcy

    A Company Voluntary Arrangement, or CVA, is a formal agreement between a financially distressed company and its creditors. Unlike traditional insolvency procedures, such as liquidation or administration, a CVA allows the company to continue trading while implementing a sustainable plan to repay its debts over a specified period.

    One of the key advantages of a CVA is that it allows the company to negotiate reduced debt repayments, extend repayment periods, or even write off a portion of the debt, providing much-needed breathing space to restore financial health. Additionally, it enables the company to retain control over its operations and decision-making, allowing management to implement the proposed restructuring plan without the intervention of an external administrator. This can help to rebuild confidence among stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, and customers, and contribute to a smoother transition towards financial recovery.

    However, it is essential to consider the potential disadvantages of a CVA as well. The company must meet the agreed-upon repayment obligations, which can place a strain on cash flow and require careful financial management. The success of a CVA depends on the cooperation and support of creditors, and if they do not agree to the proposed terms, the CVA may not be viable.

    We understand the nuances of CVAs and can guide you through the process effectively, assisting you in negotiating with creditors, formulating a realistic repayment plan, and ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.


    Individual Voluntary Arrangement Advice

    «An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a formal agreement between an individual and their creditors to restructure and manage their debts. Unlike bankruptcy, which can have far-reaching consequences on an individual’s credit history and personal reputation, an IVA provides an opportunity to address debts in a more structured and controlled manner. It allows for the consolidation of debts, negotiation of reduced repayments, and extended repayment periods, offering a realistic and manageable path to debt recovery.

    One key distinction between an IVA and a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) is that an IVA applies to individuals, whereas a CVA is specifically designed for companies. While both arrangements serve the purpose of restructuring debts, an IVA focuses on the financial circumstances of an individual, while a CVA is tailored for corporate entities. With our expertise, we can guide you through the entire IVA process, from the initial assessment of your financial situation to negotiating with your creditors and formulating a realistic repayment plan.»


    Cross-Border Insolvency in UK

    As dual qualified insolvency practitioners, we have the expertise to navigate the complexities of international insolvency cases. Cross-border insolvency involves the coordination of legal and financial matters across different jurisdictions. It requires a deep understanding of international laws, regulations, and procedures. With our specialised knowledge and experience, we can provide you with a seamless and integrated approach to cross-border insolvency.


    Reclaim Money in Spain

    As a team of experienced lawyers and economists, we are dedicated to helping individuals and businesses navigate the process of reclaiming money owed to them in Spain. Reclaiming money in Spain can be a tedious and complex process, especially without proper guidance. That’s where we come in. We know that maintaining a healthy cash flow is vital for your financial well-being, and we are committed to helping you recover the money owed to you promptly. Our team combines legal expertise with strategic negotiation to ensure a successful debt collection process.


    Enforcing English judgments

    The recognition and enforcement of UK judgments within the EU and EU judgments within the UK require a deep understanding of both domestic and international laws. We have the knowledge and experience necessary to guide you through this intricate process. In light of the changes brought about by Brexit, it is crucial to have legal professionals who are well-versed in the new regulations and can effectively advocate for your interests. Our team stays updated on the latest developments and legal frameworks to ensure that your UK judgments are recognised and enforced within the EU and vice versa.


    International Arbitration

    With the advantages it offers as an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanism, international arbitration has gained significant popularity in recent years, providing a range of benefits that make it an attractive choice for parties involved in cross-border disputes. Firstly, it offers flexibility and neutrality, allowing parties to choose the governing law, language, and seat of arbitration. Compared to the traditional judicial process, international arbitration offers several advantages. One key benefit is the confidentiality it provides. Unlike court proceedings, arbitration allows parties to keep their disputes private, protecting sensitive business information and maintaining confidentiality. This aspect is particularly valuable when dealing with commercial matters that involve proprietary or commercially sensitive information
    Efficiency is another significant advantage of international arbitration. The process can be faster and more streamlined than traditional litigation, saving parties time and costs. Arbitration allows parties to select experienced arbitrators who possess expertise in the specific subject matter, ensuring a more efficient and informed decision-making process. Choosing the right legal representation is crucial in international arbitration cases and we are happy to help.

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      George F.
      "Right from the start, the effectiveness and commitment of Quabbala in setting up our limited company was very much appreciated. Their integrity and fast response times make them unique. They took the time to understand our specific needs and displayed exceptional diligence in dealing with Companies House and handling our affairs with HMRC. Quabbala is a dedicated team that truly cared about us and went above and beyond to make it happen
      Ava S.
      "Working with Quabbala has been an absolute pleasure. Their ability to get back to us swiftly with comprehensive solutions made us feel supported all along the way. Whether it's a pressing concern, a last-minute question, or simply seeking guidance, Quabbala has always been ready to lend a helping hand.
      Ethan G.
      "Choosing Quabbala was a decision that paid off in countless ways. Their reputation for providing exceptional and personalised service is well-deserved. Their dedication to excellence, combined with their agility and expertise, allowed us to enjoy the resources and knowledge of a larger firm, with the attention to detail and personal touch of a smaller, more dedicated team. The partners were actively involved and readily available throughout our entire engagement.